My book, The Estrogen Question, is finished and available for purchase!

Hello everyone. I have not been active in posting new blogs recently because my attention has been focused on finalizing my book on estrogen cover

After two and a half years of research, writing, and re-writing, it is now available for purchase as a paperback and as an eBook through Amazon

I hope that those of you who purchase it will find it informative. In the book I give a brief history of hormone replacement, summarize pertinent studies dealing with HRT, review past and current guidelines for prescribing hormones, and explain why there is so much controversy about their use.

I provide general medical background information about common health issues such as osteoporosis, heart attacks, and diabetes and explain how estrogen can help prevent these conditions. I review the various hormone preparations used in HRT and discuss such issues as how estrogen patches differ from estrogen pills, what is meant by bioidentical hormones, and why a progesterone-like drug is important in HRT and which type may be the optimal choice.

At the end of each chapter you will find a summary of the key points discussed in the chapter and comments on the guidelines as they apply to each body system. The theme throughout the book is to provide women the information they need to know when making a decision to use hormone replacement.

Although I have written a comprehensive review on all aspects of estrogen therapy, I anticipate some of my readers will have questions and comments and I am excited to continue this blog site as a way to provide an interactive forum to address any issues, as well as to regularly update you on new studies and information on HRT that appear.


4 thoughts on “My book, The Estrogen Question, is finished and available for purchase!

  1. My first copy arrived yesterday! I say ‘first copy’ because I intend to buy one for each daughter and daughter-in-law so they might have the knowledge about HRT than I did not have. So far, very readable… good job, Sandy!

  2. I want to know about estrogen and breast cysts. Since I started taking estrogen (as patches and now as Premarin), I have breast cysts which were a big deal when I went for a mammogram and then ultrasound. I understand there is no causative link between the cysts and cancer. However, I only take half of a Premarin (45 mg) because of the cysts. What do you think? Is it ok to up the dose (take a whole pill) if the cysts get worse?
    Any ideas? I bought your book and read it. First I read Avrum Bluming’s book Estrogen Matters.

    1. Benign breasts cysts are generally not associated with an increased risk of cancer. The dilemma is always to make sure that the cyst itself belongs in the benign category. Whether or not HRT increases cysts is a little controversial, but since hormones do stimulate breast tissue, it likely does increase the risk of a cyst. And I suspect that the higher the dose, the more likely this may occur. This then brings on the need to make sure the cyst is benign. So it really comes down for each woman, based on her unique situation to decide if the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks. In your case, there may be a very slight increase risk of breast cancer but does that outweigh the benefits? I actually am surprised that there is so little data on this issue in the literature.

      1. Thank you for the reply. I’m going to my doctor soon and I’ll discuss this. I plan to continue taking Premarin and Progesterone because I am convinced the benefits outweigh the risks. I am high risk for osteoporosis; my mother was crippled by it and I also sleep better now. I guess I’ll just make sure I have my yearly mammogram. Thanks again.

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