Guidelines for practicing medicine come from various organizations, which usually are professional societies comprised of experts in a particular field. The members of the group review the studies on a given treatment or test and come up with a list of recommendations. Only the best […]
Tag: menopause
Estrogen in the News
Are we finally starting to see renewed interest in menopause and hormone management? I think so. In the October issue of O Magazine, Oprah wrote an essay about the fact that she started on estrogen at the time of menopause (and is still taking it) […]
My book, The Estrogen Question, is finished and available for purchase!
Hello everyone. I have not been active in posting new blogs recently because my attention has been focused on finalizing my book on estrogen therapy. After two and a half years of research, writing, and re-writing, it is now available for purchase as a paperback […]
Will testosterone (or anything else) help my sex drive?
This is an issue many women are reluctant to bring up during their annual physicals. Even though I am a woman physician, I don’t get asked this question much. Many women are embarrassed to talk about this intimate part of their lives, and in this […]
Does estrogen cause weight gain?
You’re not alone if at some point near your 50th birthday you encounter that moment while trying on pants in the fitting room that you say to yourself: “Either they are making waistlines much smaller, or somehow mine is bigger.” And then you reluctantly accept […]
Why do we go through menopause?
Unlike the perennial question posed by your grandkid – “Why is the sky blue?” (which you know has some answer principled in physics and light theory that you simply just can’t regurgitate) – the answer to “Why do we go through menopause?” is very simple. […]
Does estrogen cause heart problems?
Has your doctor told you that taking estrogen could cause a heart attack? This is one of the reasons hormone treatment fell out of favor back in 2002 when a landmark study, called the WHI (Women’s Health Initiative), published its findings. Newspapers across the world […]
What is causing my vaginal discomfort?
Statistics show that less than half of menopausal women discuss problems with vaginal dryness and discomfort with their doctors. For fairly obvious reasons this is a difficult conversation to initiate. Since we were little girls we didn’t talk openly about our “private parts” and when […]
What is progesterone and how safe is it?
When we talk about female hormones, we immediately think of estrogen and frequently don’t give much attention to the other major hormone involved in the female reproductive system – progesterone. Progesterone is like the little sister of estrogen. It compliments and does a lot of […]
Does estrogen cause breast cancer?
Many people believe that estrogen causes breast cancer. They’ve heard this from their friends, or have read it in women’s magazines, or their doctors may even have told them that taking estrogen will increase their risk of breast cancer. And, if a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, the first thing […]