It is very disconcerting to start putting on belly fat as you get older – especially when you have been diligent in your diet and exercise program. Yet this is a very common experience for women in their mid and late forties. Why does this […]
Tag: estrogen
Why Don’t More Doctors Prescribe HRT?
Odds are you probably know someone who has told you that when she went through menopause, her doctor did not recommend estrogen. Likely she was told that estrogen has a lot of risks and it would be better for her to just put up with […]
What is a hysterectomy and should the ovaries be removed during the surgery?
The term hysterectomy means removal of the uterus. Hysterectomies are very common surgical procedures; one in three women will have one. There are many reasons why a woman may need to have her uterus removed. The most common reason is heavy bleeding due to fibroids, […]
How Estrogen Helps the Heart
Many women avoid hormone replacement after menopause because they fear it will increase their risk of breast cancer. However, they may not realize that they face a much higher risk of dying from heart disease than any type of cancer, and that taking hormones is […]
Menopause Guidelines and Why Britain Deserves a Thumbs Up
Guidelines for practicing medicine come from various organizations, which usually are professional societies comprised of experts in a particular field. The members of the group review the studies on a given treatment or test and come up with a list of recommendations. Only the best […]
Does Estrogen Affect the Coronavirus?
The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted all of us. We wake up every morning and hear the latest grim statistics and deleterious effect this disease is having on our healthcare system, economy, and, well, just about every aspect of modern life. Each day we learn more […]
Estrogen in the News
Are we finally starting to see renewed interest in menopause and hormone management? I think so. In the October issue of O Magazine, Oprah wrote an essay about the fact that she started on estrogen at the time of menopause (and is still taking it) […]
My book, The Estrogen Question, is finished and available for purchase!
Hello everyone. I have not been active in posting new blogs recently because my attention has been focused on finalizing my book on estrogen therapy. After two and a half years of research, writing, and re-writing, it is now available for purchase as a paperback […]
Will testosterone (or anything else) help my sex drive?
This is an issue many women are reluctant to bring up during their annual physicals. Even though I am a woman physician, I don’t get asked this question much. Many women are embarrassed to talk about this intimate part of their lives, and in this […]
Does estrogen cause weight gain?
You’re not alone if at some point near your 50th birthday you encounter that moment while trying on pants in the fitting room that you say to yourself: “Either they are making waistlines much smaller, or somehow mine is bigger.” And then you reluctantly accept […]