More HRT and menopause updates coming soon!

Greetings loyal followers.  I’m sorry that I have not been very active lately in posting new material.  These last few months have been a bit challenging with a series of medical and family issues (Covid finally caught up with me!).  Fortunately I have not had any serious after effects from these distractions.  I am now poised to get more active and this is great timing because October is national Menopause Awareness Month!

I will be attending the North American Menopause Society’s annual conference, and am excited to learn the latest information about all things menopause and look forward to distilling what I learn and sharing it with you in updated blogs.

I also became aware of a virtual menopause fundraising event that is now in progress.  It is a fun activity that doesn’t require any real effort other than signing up to register and then committing to walk 50,000 steps during the month of October. You can walk anytime and anywhere during the month. They are requesting a $25.00 registration fee to enter.  The proceeds go to three non-profits dedicated to promoting menopause awareness and research.

50,000 steps (or there are options for alternate activities if you choose) should not be too difficult to achieve. The organizers choose 50 as a cool target because women reach menopause around age 50 and 50% of the world’s population can potentially become menopausal!  If you would like to help promote menopause research and awareness, click on the Charity Footprints website.

Simply hit the register button and go from there.  Once you register, you can locate a dropdown menu that’s usually obtainable from three little lines at the upper right corner where  you can click “team leaderboards” that lists all the teams that have been formed.  I would be thrilled if you want to sign up on my team, “Dr. Sandy’s team.”

My colleague Nathalie Bonafe is one of the instigators for this endeavor.  She and I have been collaborating on a series of podcasts on menopause topics and I think you will find that our presentations are informative and entertaining.  You can find one of our earlier discussions on YouTube.

We are currently finalizing a four-part series on how menopause and estrogen affects the brain.  There has been some very interesting research that helps us understand why we get hot flashes and why menopause may be a big factor in explaining why more women than men eventually develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Stay tuned!



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