Odds are you probably know someone who has told you that when she went through menopause, her doctor did not recommend estrogen. Likely she was told that estrogen has a lot of risks and it would be better for her to just put up with […]
Tag: WHI
What is the WHI and why is it problematic?
Do hormones cause more risks than benefits? It depends on when a woman initiates them. Most menopause experts believe that taking them at the time of menopause carries more benefit. So why do doctors not encourage women to take them? It is because of a major study, the WHI, a study whose findings are being inappropriately applied. This post gives a brief review of the WHI and why it should not continue to be the basis for HRT recommendations.
Does estrogen cause breast cancer?
Many people believe that estrogen causes breast cancer. They’ve heard this from their friends, or have read it in women’s magazines, or their doctors may even have told them that taking estrogen will increase their risk of breast cancer. And, if a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, the first thing […]
Do I have to stop my estrogen?
Has your long time physician, who seemed more like a friend than a doctor, retired and you’ve had to find a new one? And had your old doctor encouraged you to take hormones, but now your new doctor, younger but no doubt very smart, is telling you […]
What kinds of hormones are the best?
By the time we reach menopause, our ovaries have pretty much quit producing the two major types of female hormones – estrogen and progesterone. There is still a small amount of these hormones circulating in our systems, but at levels far lower than during our […]
What are the current guidelines for taking hormones?
So what are the current (2020) guidelines for taking hormones after menopause? First of all, to make sure everyone is on the same page, the term menopause refers to that point in time when a woman no longer is fertile and the ovaries have essentially […]